Highlands Conference
Archaeological Society of New Jersey and The North Jersey Highlands
Historical Society Joint Archaeological Conference
Saturday, October 19, 2002, Shepherd Lake Lodge, Skylands Section,
Ringwood State Park, New Jersey
Morning Program, 9:30 am to 12 noon
FIELD TRIP TO THE RAMAPO PASS: We will travel to the site of Camp Ramapough
(1776-1783) to see the remains of defensive earthworks or entrenchments,
historic monuments, a stone quarry (1854+) and the 19th century Presbyterian
Church and Cemetery of the Ramapo Works. We will carpool from Shepherd
Lake Lodge to the sites. The tour will be led by archaeologist Edward
J. Lenik.
Afternoon Program, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
1:00 President's Welcome: ASNJ and NJHHS
1:15 "The Wickers Creek Site: When Good Intentions Lead to Bad
Interpretations." Kirsten Brophy, L.A. Brennan Lower Hudson Chapter,
1:45 "The Ring Quarry Mining District." Richard A. Patterson,
Sussex County Historical Society.
2:15 "Indian Deeds: Family Territories and Alliances." Kevin
Wright, New Jersey State Park Service.
3:00 "Archaeological Investigations at Ukaadax (Hog Island), Dutch
Harbor, Alaska: An Early Blade Site in the Aleutian Islands." Charles
A. Bello, ASNJ.
3:30 "Lime Kilns of Vernoy: A 19th and Early 20th Century Industrial
Complex in Lebanon Township, Hunterdon County, NJ." Carol Kaikowski,
4:00 "Camp Ramapough (1997-1783) in 'The Great Pass through the
Highlands.'" Geoffrey R. Welch, The Ramapo River Committee.
Program Chair: Edward J. Lenik